Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tea Cosy

Have a look at the awesome blog Amazing and

I was so inspired and this was my first attempt...not as easy as it looks so I think I'll try and get a pattern.


  1. Hello Mandy
    Why thank you thank you for your beautiful email. I am wearing a very wide smile. And your own blog is very clever. LOOK at all your great crochet and quilting!

    And I love this tea cosy. The velvety flowers are - well - very velvety. And delicious.
    Let me know if you think you might like to join the Wild For Tea Cosies blog. It is a community blog that I administrate. Just email me and say so.

    the very best

  2. Hi Loani,
    Thanx for getting back to me
    I'm not sure? what does it entail? and is there a cost involved?.... must the cosie be specifically knitted?
    I have been on a roll with loads of ideas and pressy fun -
    Thanx a lot
